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Life Insurance

Term Insurance

Term Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a set amount of time at a predetermined rate of payment. After that time period has passed, coverage at the former premium rate will no longer be assured.

The death benefit will be given to the beneficiary if the life policyholder dies during the term. Term insurance is usually the most cost-effective approach to get a significant death benefit.

Family Health Insurance

Term Insurance With Return

When a term insurance contract with a return of premium matures, the premium is refunded. If the insured lives to the end of the policy's term, they are able to receive the overall amount of premiums paid into the plan.

Endowment Plan

Endowment Plan

Endowment insurance plans ensure that an amount of money will be paid to you or your heirs regardless of whether you survive to the end of the policy's term or die before it expires. An endowment policy's face value will be paid to the insurer on the "maturity period" or to the recipient of the life insurance policy if the insured passes away.

Money-back Policy

Money-back Policy

Money back plan offers several advantages to investors seeking a guaranteed return strategy as well as life insurance coverage. The fact that money back policy pays out after a few years and continues to do so throughout the duration of the policy. Individuals seeking a secure cover with assured returns might consider this type of coverage.

Group Life Insurance

Group Life Insurance

Group Life insurance is a type of insurance coverage where a single contract protects an entire group of people. The policy usually covers the workers or group members, and the policy owner is usually an employer or an institution, such as a labour union.

Child insurance

Child insurance

A child life insurance policy is a type of permanent life insurance that covers a minor's lifespan. It is typically obtained to shield a family from the unforeseen expenditures of a child's funeral or burial, as well as to secure affordable and assured insurance for the child's future. When a kid reaches adulthood, a child life insurance policy provides further specified coverage.

Retirement Insurance Plan

Retirement Insurance Plan

A life insurance retirement plan (LIRP) is a cash value insurance policy which is used to complement other retirement savings. LIRPs are similar to Roth IRAs in that you don't pay the taxes on disbursements after the age of 59, and capital gains are tax-deferred.


Here’s everything you should know about Life Insurance, its types and goals.

There are various types of life insurance plans, and you may use these alternatives to achieve various goals at various periods of life by building a sensible financial strategy. Interested in learning more?

Let's take a look at how life insurance can assist you with various life goals at various phases of life.

Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

If you want to help secure financial security for your family at a low cost, term life insurance is a good option. It's a straightforward, low-cost life insurance policy that protects your family for a specific amount of time.

If you die before the end of the term, your beneficiary or beneficiaries will get a death benefit.

Whole life plan

Whole life plan

The Whole Life Plan is also known as the Straight Life Plan or the Ordinary Life Plan. It lasts for the duration of the insured's life, as long as you pay the premiums.

In the case that the insured passes away, the nominee receives the aforementioned sum. The policyholder can withdraw or borrow against the policy at any moment, and the policy has a 100-year maturity period.

Endowment Policy

Endowment Policy

Endowment policies are a type of life insurance policy that combines the benefits of insurance and savings.

Endowment plans allow the insured to save regularly over a certain length of time in order to receive a lump-sum payment at the policy's maturity. If the insured lives to the end of the policy's term, the maturity amount is paid.

How Life Insurance policy will be helpful?

Short-term benefits

Short-term benefits

While long-term planning is important for your investing portfolio, don't forget to factor in short-term needs.

Any financial need that necessitates urgent cash availability must be factored into your budget. Life insurance can assist you achieve such objectives by providing short-term returns on investment.

Hefty return on investments

Hefty return on investments

When compared to other investing options, life insurance schemes provide a superior return. The majority of life insurance plans include bonuses that no other investment plan can match.

The money invested will earn a fair return and will be returned in full, as the sum assured either at the end of the period or when the insured person passes away.

The money invested will earn a fair return and will be returned in full as the sum assured either at the end of the period or when the insured person passes away.

Support your family’s future

Support your family’s future

You may not have many financial obligations while you're young and just starting out in your job.

When you contribute to your family's money, you'll want to make sure that your dependents aren't left without financial support if something goes wrong. Life insurance will also cover you and your family in this situation.

Compensation on death of insuree

Compensation on death of insuree

Purchasing life insurance ensures a secure future for you and your family. In the event that something bad happens to the insured, the insurer pays the bereaved family the entire amount, which includes the sum assured plus the bonus.

Life insurance also protects the interests of people whose wages are dwindling as they become older, persons who have accidents, and retired people.

Helpful for your children’s future also!

Helpful for your children’s future also!

In the event that you die, a life insurance policy will pay for your child's schooling or marriage. These plans provide funds to assist your child in finishing their education while you are away or when they reach adulthood.

If you die while the policy is active, the plan remains active, and in some situations, they waived the premiums that must be paid to keep the insurance in force.

Loan against the policy

Loan against the policy

If you have life insurance, you have the option of taking out a policy loan if you severely need cash. Depending on the policy requirements, the loan amount that can be taken as a percentage of the cash value or sum assured under the policy.

Wrapping up!

Because there are so many different health insurance plans to select from, finding the best life insurance may be tough. Depending on your specific circumstances, we can assist you in finding the best and most affordable life insurance plan. For additional information, please contact Dhvani Investments at [email protected].

Our IRDA Code: 4261703 (Anand Thakker)